Thursday, May 13, 2010


Driving around in Scottsboro, AL we discovered a unique downtown. The courthouse being the main attraction; with the one-way streets we drove around it several times.
Before getting into the town Joe was trying to search his brain/the history part/as to what he remembered about The Scottsboro Boys.
Signs in front of the courthouse refreshed his memory
to the drama attached to this town, so many years ago.
  The gist of the story~~nine black teenagers were accused of raping two white women, on March 25,1931.  The controversy of the trials went on for years.  In 1976 it finally came to be that the boys (now men, some having spent many years imprisoned) were pardoned, by the Governor of AL.
To this day ~ were these boys guilty? 
To jog your memory further, you can copy and paste the address below to learn more about
The Scottsboro Boys.


  1. I feel really bad that this happened to them this information was very helpful for my project.

  2. totally agree:) it was my project too SWAG

  3. Are you serious right now?? dude get off this page we really need to get to work!!!!
