Thursday, October 27, 2011


Josh and Michelle ~ visiting in Missouri
Rare to see a Walking Stick/but this summer I saw two.  One in WI and one in MO.
Derby, Michelle's 2 1/2lb. Chihuahua, spent August and September with us, in WI.  She loved going everywhere we went, especially on bike rides. 
It was hot when I spent time at Michelle's this summer.  Cooling off in the pool was welcome everyday!
Derby, taking a walk, in her "tough" outfit.
Truck Stop Missouri ~ You can watch it on the Travel Channel!  We ate breakfast there a couple of mornings.  They serve very large pancakes and wonderful breakfasts.  The home fries portion was so big three of us could split it!  The TV cameras were not there the days we were/ah, shucks! 
We ate at McDonald's--a regular experience when you have a two year old.  Difference is:  this Mickey D's has a glass ceiling!  Hard to eat when the flags are flying, the birds are perching on the metal connectors and the wind is blowing leaves everywhere. Oh, and there was a waterfall behind our booth!
It fascinated all of us! 


Little blurry- a stool to be able to reach the sink, to brush teeth and learn the letters in his name. 

Doing homework at a pink desk!  What more could a first grader girl ask for?  So easy now, it won't seem like homework.  

A new baby joined the family about a week ago.
The baby shower this summer called for a painted rocking chair.  The book Goodnight Moon, and the little dog peeking at the rocker were wrapped up for the baby gift. Welcome to Baby Emil!



My sister, Geri, and I visited several shrines and grottos on our trip.  
This blue "tree" of candles was at one of them.  They raise and lower it mechanically to light the candles.  Amazing!
 We stopped and read every single historical marker along the way.  They are very interesting and bring to "light" the history many nuns had us read about in elementary and middle school.  Visiting the places made it all real.
One priest built an entire grotto with stones, glass pieces, odds and ends from all over the world.  Cement must've been his "friend" for several years!

The Beatitudes in cement. The tree of life made of glass, stones and knick knacks.

A few glass balls were perched on pillars at the entrance.  I'm in this one! 

Each small shrine holds a saint, with The Blessed Virgin watching over the entire area.

Remember Little House on the Prairie?

Inside of Laura Ingalls Wilder childhood home.

THE  Little House on the Prairie.

 In Alma, WI Geri and I stayed at this Bed and Breakfast.  We entered the house and had a sign greet us that said:  Go upstairs, choose a room. Charge for the room is on the back of the door.  Leave money and key on the dresser when you leave.  Enjoy the parlor downstairs and breakfast in the morning.

We choose the Red Room.  This was my bed.  Geri's was a full size antique bed. The room was cozy and full of antiques.  The bathroom was shared by all the rooms.  We were the only guests, so we had it to ourselves.  In the morning we were treated to coffee, toast and homemade marmalade.
An interesting way to run a bed and breakfast.