Thursday, May 12, 2011


No pileated woodpecker yet!  The holes in the trees show no more evidence of excavating. Possibly these trees don't have the right bugs, or whatever the bird was searching for.
I do have a few pics from walking around the park. Nothing unusual/until I went to the store yesterday and caught the last picture!
The park is full of cardinals. 
This one posed for a picture

The trees are full of beautiful blossoms.

The squirrels are everywhere!  
Smaller than the ones - Up North.

A relative to the first bird?  
Only this one is stuck-on a door frame.

The perfect perch where the resident eagle is often seen.
Another quest ~ to catch it sitting there!

A tree frog, clinging to our house.
Several hang out near the porch lights each evening, love the sounds they serenade us with.

So, this turtle looks small-not so-it is larger than the largest dinner plate!  It was digging holes, but on the edge of the road, in our park. To lays eggs?  I'm not sure, but I already helped one that was hit by a car. This one was way too close to the road.  So, I took a stick and helped it move into the "wilds" of the park.
Not sure if the first one lived, it was really "beaten" up, from a car hitting it. Cars coming around the corner sometimes go too close to the edge, and onto the grass, where the pictured turtle was digging. 

"Pinkest" of pink rides ~ 'Princess' on the darker pink side mirror.
 Who's the princess? The driver? The dog? 

My guess - both! 
Couldn't pass this picture up--the dog is totally enjoying the ride!