Monday, June 14, 2010


                        MY BIRTHDAY PRESENT

As I've said before, I don't collect antiques since I became one!  I still like to browse antique stores and sometimes Joe is with me.  I found this musical Nancy in Florida.  Not "needing" it -I passed.  Well, my sweet husband went back and bought it.  He gave it to me on my birthday/keeping it hidden for months. Luckily he hid it in his underwear and sock drawer. A place that, in our tiny houses, I don't frequent-EVER!

The cartoon Fritz Ritz, first appeared in the newspapers in 1922.  In 1938 Nancy, Fritz Ritz's niece, dominated the comic strip and the title was changed from Fritz Ritz to Nancy.
Nancy's best friend was a bald guy named Sluggo.

I remember my father telling me he liked the cartoon and named me Nancy, from the comics. I have had my own bald Sluggo for 22 years now!  The sweet guy that gave me this cute musical Nancy that plays the song - Second Hand Rose.