Wednesday, March 10, 2010


The Coast Guard, boasting four Mercury  motors! Undoubtedly, they can outrun any other boat in the water.  They were probably watching me, as I was watching them.
Or not!

The kite sailer is ready to go--these are fun to watch. They maneuver their kites through the water and make it look effortless, which I'm sure it's not!

Most interesting to watch was this man, in the little wooden boat. He filled the boat with supplies, including many gallons of water.  He paddled out to the large boat on the right. Hoisted himself onto the boat, unloading his supplies from the tiny boat and waved his life jacket at the lady nearby me on shore.
We started talking and she told me he was her son. He was going to his boat for a vacation. He built both boats, in her driveway.  Ingenuity lives on...

Sailboats ~ kayaks ~ barges ~ and the tiniest boat I have ever seen.  The guy in the little orange boat was very brave and must be experienced, as the waves were rough that day. Oh, also very strong!

Parasailers have been sparse this winter. The weather just has not been cooperative. Springbreakers have been arriving this week, the weather is starting to be amazing!  I'm sure the parasailers will be more abundant around the Island for the next few weeks. 
As I see other water vessels I intend to post them. Like a journal of the various types I've seen off South Padre Island.

I don't collect "stuff", our living spaces are too small. 
Pictures ~ hmmm, don't need to dust them either!