Saturday, December 3, 2011


How cool is this?
Mel knows how to advertise his hot dog diner!  We drove past this VW on the way to Busch Gardens. Needed to make a u-turn (without the GPS telling us to (as she so often does) ) so I could get a picture.

Beautiful gardens at every turn...
Busch Gardens**buy a ticket for a day and come back all year!  We did that, last January when Brian and Ceci visited.  Senior Citizens get special passes that are good for 15 months.
Thank you Busch Gardens! 
We will be there several times before our passes expire in April! 

Vibrant colors and amazing birds.

Frances and Lana on the sky ride.
We were in the next 'car' ~ the only ride I went on! Oh, I also rode the train and the safari jeep, but those aren't really "rides" when Busch Gardens is full of roller coasters.

A small part of the new roller coaster, CHEETAH RUN, it winds up and down throughout the entire park. While on the train, I noticed some of the animals jerked and weren't startled when the roller coaster cars traversed the tracks above them.  That I did not like. The animals at a park like Busch Gardens should not be frightened by something that gives pleasure to people.  They should have secured areas, especially if they have to be "caged." 

See the lizard on the top of the screen?
Reminds me of Michelle's dragon!

...and what are you?  

Santa's elves ~ poising at the entrance of the park.

Lana, Joe's niece, accompanied us to the park. 

Lana was visiting her Mom, Frances, who is in FL for a few months. 

Lana, Fran, Nancy, Joe

Scaring yourself silly is fun!  They had a great time on this ride ~ SANDSERPENT.  I stayed below and was the Keeper of the 'stuff.' 

Tortoises and Anteaters were among the privileged that weren't deleted from my camera.

CHEETAH RUN**Yes, it is enormous, loud and  intrusive winding throughout the park.
Guess when you think of Busch Gardens/you think of roller coasters.
I favor ANIMAL KINGDOM for viewing animals and going to shows. 

The Christmas tree was decked out with various types of gourds, all with paintings of cheetahs.  The new roller coaster opened this Fall and everything is "All about it."
It was a great day!  We were there 11 hours. At the end of the evening we ate popcorn and listened to a wonderful group of people sing Christmas carols.