Friday, April 1, 2011


We were very fortunate that the first tornadic storm went across Florida **north of us.
The second cell went **south of us!  We did get rain, wind and more rain but no tornados close by.  We felt blessed as we watched the meteorologists, on TV, get very excited all day.  They probably were happy they had weather to report. They kept comparing it to the 'great' tornadoes in the Mid West.  Guess we don't look at them as being 'great' but we didn't go to school for meteorology.  Reporting weather in Florida probably becomes mundane.
(Example of the evening weather recently.)
"The weather today is sunny and warm.  The temps will be in the 80's, during the day.  We will cool down toward evening into the 70's."
The storm had the meteorologists jumping around, using all their equipment and knowledge to explain what was happening all day.  Making them happy about the weather is not something I want to see often!

A branch fell down, near my car-no damage.
Today maintenance went around the park with a chain saw-cleaning up all the fallen branches.
Our maintenance crew are the BEST guys around!


                 SPOOK HILL IN LAKE WALES
We met friends in Lake Wales at Manny's Chophouse. Good food/good company.  After our meal we ventured over to Spook Hill.  We've seen the signs but never went to explore.  Not a lot to see/interesting though. 
The sign explains Spook Hill ~ really not so spooky, just interesting. 
This is the line we drove up to/put the car in neutral and rolled back down--then up the hill we just came from. 
Actually, it is an optical illusion.
Really has nothing to do with Native Americans or alligators.
Stories can make tourist attractions!