Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We Have a Visitor!

Flat Stanley arrived at our house today, at approximately 1:00 p.m. It was arranged by Emily Cramer, that he would come to Brownsville, for a visit of about two weeks or so.
Good thing he arrived today, as we are leaving tomorrow morning for San Antonio, Texas!

        Welcome to Brownsville, Texas

We needed to go out, to do a few errands this afternoon, so Flat Stanley went with us. Grandpa Joe held his hand, so he wouldn't blow away, as they both posed in front of this Brownsville collage.  
(Double click on the picture to see the colorful; historical mural.)

        The Adventures Start for Flat Stanley!
He is open to doing anything and going anywhere. Good thing, because you just never know where we are off to! As you can see, in this picture, Flat Stanley has his bag packed and is ready for an early departure.
Happy Thanksgiving, from the three of us. We all have so much to be thankful for.
Blessings to our families and friends!
I won't be blogging for a few days. Tune in again
after the weekend.

Where The Rio Grande Meets The Gulf of Mexico

We have been looking forward to seeing the mouth of the Rio Grande. The tide has to be out, to make it down the beach and get to the mouth of the river. We've tried it a couple of times, with no success. Yesterday was our day! We went with friends, that know how to get around the beach. Boca Chica Beach is not developed at all. Just sand, seaweed, scrub brush, water and openness! Lovely!
We drove through the sandy driveway and onto the beach itself. To my delight, there were two Black Skimmers dining on the bugs near the water.
If you double click on the pictures they will enlarge, click back arrow to return.

Continuing on, we came to the end of the beach and met the Rio Grande.
There were several men fishing, on the other side of the river. The other side being Mexico. As you can see, in the photos, the river is not wide. We were standing on the US side, looking over at the fishermen on the Mexican side.

Very interesting---no fence here!  Of course, there is a check-point on the
road back! We ventured to the other end of Boca Chica Beach. Driving down the beach to the other end, we saw many dead fish, leftover from the Red Tide. At the end of the beach, you can look over to South Padre Island, the area where Dolphin Cove is.

This lighthouse is on the Mexican side of the river/meeting the Gulf of Mexico.
The bottom right picture, is the check-point, where we declare we are from the US, on the way back to Brownsville.
The people that patrol the check-point are always very friendly. We have stopped to talk to them several times, asking questions about the area and purpose of the check-point at the beach.

Sunset at Dolphin Cove

Sunset at Dolphin Cove ~~~ South Padre Island, Texas  ~~~ Wish You Were Here