Monday, September 20, 2010


Traveling through Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas---that's all we saw! 
Cattle roaming, cattle drinking, cattle grazing, cattle in stockyards. 
America sure loves it's beef!  There were acres and acres and acres of it!
Windmills dotted the landscape and trains were runnning on either side of us for the entire trip through large expanses of land in those states. 
The pictures here were taken as we drove - I wanted to show the massive stockyards and train tracks.  The tracks were very well-kept with gravel built up on the sides of the tracks the entire way. Moving animals and goods via train is the way of the west. 

Oh, I forgot - there were snow fences! 

Blurry, I know, but this went on for miles and miles. 
Stockyards crammed with cattle. 
America loves their beef!

...and granaries - yes there were granaries in every small town, village and places where there weren't any towns.  
The granaries were the largest buildings in town! Most likely the largest employer also.  Good for the small towns. 

...and let's not forget the deer that roam the same land that the cattle are roaming...except they can jump the fences and roam the 

highways that we are roaming!