Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Tired of driving we figured a little diversion was in order. 
We followed our GPS to the little town of Metropolis, IL.  Yes!! That is the town Superman called home.  Believe me, the people of this town have capatialized on that little tidbit!  
 Clark Kent and Lois Lane walking to their jobs, at the Daily Planet. Opps, here it's called the Metropolis Planet.

Superman dominates the main drag of this old town. He is standing guard in the center of town and flying from buildings.
Superman Joe posed for a picture in one of the put your head on me bodies.
Hmmmm...just isn't the same, is it?!  Wonder what his buddies will say about this picture!

Murals of Superman cartoons and other characters of the times were painted on the buildings downtown. http://www.supermuseum.com/

Betty Boop~this one's for you Andrea!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you took the time to check out our small town. We love seeing what people have to say about us online. Stop by anytime, we'd love to have you all!
