Saturday, we once again ventured into Mexico. Nuevo Progreso is a border town not too far from Brownsville. It has been considered one of the safe spots to enter along the border. We went with friends, for the welcome back party for Winter Texans.
(In Florida we were called Snowbirds, here it's Winter Texans.)
Arriving at the border, on the US side, you pay twenty-five cents, to cross the bridge.
Return trip, on Mexico's side, is thirty cents. Why? Good question.
La Banda

Children were dressed in native costumes. This was mainly to have tourists take their picture, and in turn give them money. There are so many, many, very poor people in the border towns. Very few jobs are available and the tourist business is what they depend on. Sadly, tourists are seasonal.
The little girl, on the right, is wearing a skirt that had been spray painted
with faces of famous men from Mexican history. We talked with her Mother,
who was one of the organizers ,of the Welcome Back Winter Texans day.
She is a dentist in the town. This town has a dentist in every third or fourth
store. Throngs of people cross the border to have dental work done in Mexico. Interestingly, many of the dentists have been trained in the states. We hear often, from Americans and Canadians, how good the work is, how cheap it was, and if we are interested they will recommend their dentist to us. So far, we are sticking with the one in WI.
Making and selling ~ the life of a street vendor.
Blow-up figures are used for advertising. This one was for a bakery. We've seen various blow-ups, all over Mexico, for every product one can imagine.
The guy above, had hammocks for sale. Just about any type you could dream up. Below, this hat vendor was pleased to have his picture taken. I do think he should've been wearing one of his hats!
Shoe shiners are plentiful in Mexico. Although many people have been "Americanized" and wear tennis shoes and flip flops, many still wear boots and shoes that need to be spiffed up. The streets are very dusty, so I think the shoe shine guys must do a good business. (Joe has had his leather sandals cleaned up, and the charge was $1.00. Can't get rich on those prices!)
A show of force and protection from the Mexican Military.
You see soldiers and vehicles everywhere.
My favorite vendor, of the day, was this painter. He is handicapped, both arms and legs. He had me mesmorized, sitting in his wheelchair, painting beautiful landscapes, horses, people or whatever people requested.
What determination! Yes, all of the painting was with his mouth! Oh the gifts we are given. After watching him, for some time, I walked away being thankful for what I have been blessed with, and thankful that he has found
an avenue to display his creativity and purpose in life.
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