It has been some time since I've blogged. We have just been living each day and enjoying the wonderful weather, here in Florida.
I have decided to post some current pictures. We are hosting Flat Stanley for Nora Alsum~Brandon School~Brandon, Wisconsin.
It has been a hoot taking Flat Stanley around where ever we go! So many people recognize him!
We went to the World's Largest Entertainment McDonald's.
Ronald here ~
holding the world in his hands. People from all over the world do visit this McDonald's restaurant.
Flat with Mac Tonite ~ he sings, he dances, he moves while singing, he's a moon man!
Along with the regular menu, this Mickey D's has an extended menu of paninis, pasta, cakes, pizza, etc.
The play areas are huge! Upstairs it's a play land on steroids! The third level has slides, climbers and great fun for kids.